90s song monday, tuesday, wednesday

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Desejo receber notificações de destaques e novidades.That you're wastin' away each and every precious dayThat you're wastin' away each and every prescious dayYou just missed your bus, now you're late for a dateThat you're wastin' away each and every precious dayIsto está te deixando louca, ouvir as crianças gritandoQue você está desperdiçando afastado cada dia preciosoO garoto do jornal está vindo, e as notícias parecem tão negrasQue você está desperdiçando afastado cada dia preciosoPoderia pegar o seu dinheiro, e correr para a portaVocê acabou de perder o seu ônibus, agora você está atrasado para uma dataQue você está desperdiçando afastado cada dia preciosoTem certeza que deseja sair sem salvar suas alterações?

Ah, but your life ain't so bad You feel happy inside, it's a crime That you're wastin' away each and every precious day Don't be blind.

A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday" - from the Lyrics.com website.

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Kitty Kallen (born Katherine Kalinsky; May 25, 1921 – January 7, 2016) was an American popular singer whose career spanned from the 1930s to the 1960s—to include the Swing era of the Big Band years, the post-WWII pop scene and the earl…

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