Anton Dostler

Anton Dostler (10 May 1891 – 1 December 1945) was a General of the Infantry who was executed after the end of World War II for war crimes.

Anton Dostler joined the German Army in 1910 and served as a junior officer during The captured U.S. soldiers were interrogated and one of the U.S. officers revealed the story of the mission. Dostler joined the German army in 1910 and served as a junior officer during The captured American party was interrogated by Wehrmacht intelligence officers, and an officer revealed the mission. Anton Dostler (May 10 1891 - December 1, 1945) was a General of infantry in the regular German army during World War II.In the first allied war trial after the war, Dostler was tried and found guilty of war crime s and sentenced to death by firing squad.. From the start of World War II to 1940, he served as Chief of Staff of the 7th Army.
Anton Dostler joined the German Army in 1910 and served as a junior officer during World War I. He was sentenced to death and shot by a firing squad on December 1, 1945 in Alexander Fürst Dohna-Schlobitten (2006) (in German).
Venetian Coast (Sept to Nov 1944) when its name was changed to 73rd Army Corps, at which he fi… Sub­se­quently he com­manded the 57th In­fantry Di­vi­sion (1941–42), the 163rd In­fantry Di­vi­sion(1942) and, after some tem­po­rary stand-ins at corps, was ap­pointed com­man­der of 75th Army Corps (Jan-July 1944) in Italy and then com­man­der of the Venet­ian Coast (Sept-Nov 1944), when its name was re­as­signed to 73rd Army Corps, where he fin­is… Anton Dostler joined the German Army in 1910 and served as a junior officer during World War I.

The information, including that it was a Colonel Almers at the 135th (Fortress) Brigade was uneasy with the execution order, and approached Dostler again to delay the execution command.

'S [sic] - Dostler Falls Before U. S. Firing Squad", Video of General Dostler's last minutes on 1 December 1945 He was shot by a United States Army firing squad after being found guilty of ordering the execution of American prisoners of war during the Italian Campaign in March 1944. Subsequently, he commanded the 57th Infantry Division (1941–1942), the 163rd Infantry Division(1942) and after some temporary stand-ins at Corps, was appointed commander of 75th Army Corps (Jan-July 1944) in Italy and then as Cdr. From the start of World War II to 1940, he served as chief of staff of the 7th Army. Execution of U.S. soldiers. He was sentenced to death, and executed in Associated Press, "Nazi General Executed For Ordering Deaths of G.I. The information, including that it was a Dostler became a prisoner of the Americans on 8 May 1945 and was put before a The trial found General Dostler guilty of war crimes, rejecting the defense of Superior Orders. Dostler joined the Ger­man army in 1910 and served as a ju­nior of­fi­cer dur­ing World War I. Two last attempts were made by Colonel Almers to stop the execution, including some by telephone, as he knew that executing uniformed The trial found General Dostler guilty of war crimes, rejecting the "superior orders" defense. Dostler was convicted in the first Allied war crimes trials to be held after the end of the war in Europe. Dostler, Anton, born on 13-06-1884 in Munich, entered the Army Service on 23-07-1910, at the age of 25, in the 6 th Bayerischen Infanterieregiment. In response General Dostler dispatched another telegram ordering Almers to carry out the execution as previously ordered.

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