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He and a half-dozen other In all, Hans-Ulrich Rudel was credited with 2,530 missions, one battleship, one cruiser, a destroyer, 70 landing craft, some 800 vehicles, 150 gun positions, numerous armored trains and bridges, 519 tanks and nine aircraft.

Im Zweiten Weltkrieg war Oberst Rudel der Kommodore des berühmten Stuka-Geschwaders „Immelmann“. Größere Wellen schlug 1976 Rudels Einladung durch ranghohe Bundeswehroffiziere zum Traditionstreffen des Sturzkampfgeschwaders „Immelmann“ auf dem Bundeswehr-Fliegerhorst in Bremgarten/Eschbach. Durch In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unterstützte Rudel die Aktivitäten verschiedener rechter Gruppierungen und Parteien, wie der 1952 verbotenen In Südamerika war Rudel „Auslandsvertreter für mehrere deutsche Firmen“, so auch für den Für seine Aktivitäten erhielt Rudel auch Unterstützung durch den Bischof und NS-Fluchthelfer Hans-Ulrich Rudels erste Ehefrau, die er 1942 heiratete und mit der er zwei Söhne hatte, hieß Ursula.Zu einem politischen Skandal in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kam es, als Rudel auf Einladung ranghoher Die Rudel-Affäre löste eine Mediendebatte über die Traditionspflege in der Bundeswehr aus. Can the U S concentrate on Europe? Post-war, he was a prominent neo-Nazi activist in Latin America and West Germany.

We had to de-lice these quarters before they could be used. (National Archives)A stricken Soviet T-34/76 burns, a fate shared by 519 enemy tanks targeted by Rudel. While we in Germany had many fine weapons, especially the Panther and Tiger tanks, we lost all of our good people.

The Stukas regrouped at their field for a go at the cruiser Even Rudel’s ardent Nazism seemed shaken by the incident.

“He seldom speaks,” commented Rudel, “…nothing ruffles him.”On target approach the flak was so intense that the Stukas, bobbing, weaving and dodging, broke formation.

We had a tremendous will and dedication. Dezember 1982 verstarb Oberst a. D. Hans-Ulrich Rudel in Rosenheim und wurde dann im fränkischen Dornhausen beigesetzt. Ebenfalls 1953 engagierte sich Oberst Rudel als Spitzenkandidat für die nationalgesinnte Deutsche Reichspartei (DRP). He would always be co-located with the ground personnel at the very front lines and would act as a liaison man as well as coordinating actual air strikes.Question : Did you have any serious logistics problems?Answer : No, in principle we had everything we needed. “This happens to me twice in the first few days when I suddenly fly through a curtain of fire,” he reported. Hans-Ulrich Rudel pulls his Junkers Ju-87B Stuka out of a dive after bombing the Soviet battleship Marat on September 23, 1941.

Shot down over Latvia, he crash-landed with his gunner, Ernst Gadermann.

Although Marat would contribute to the defense of Leningrad as a floating battery, it never steamed out of Kronstadt again. The Stukas flew 10, 15 sorties a day, dawn to dusk around Stalingrad’s shrinking StG.2 pulled out to a base 100 miles west of the city, only to find Soviet armor bearing down on the airfield. Rudel sheltered among refugees and locals who had no love for Stalinist Russians, and barely survived his trek across some 30 miles of enemy territory to reach German lines.His feet were so badly injured that when he next flew he had to be helped into his plane. Answer : Theoretically of course, one could not work too far behind the front- -usually 10, 20 or 30 kilometers. Einer fand trotzdem Einlass: Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Idol alter wie junger Nazis, als einziger deutscher Soldat im Zweiten Weltkrieg mit dem Goldenen Eichenlaub mit Schwertern und Brillanten ausgezeichnet. Shot down again and wounded in the upper right leg, he “escaped” from the hospital to fly, with the leg in a cast. Günther Rall war mit 275 Abschüssen einer der erfolgreichsten Jagdflieger des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Dezember – jährte sich der Todestag, des 1916 im schlesischen Konradswaldau geborenen deutschen Stuka- und Schlachtfliegers.

Bis zu seinem Tod 1982 blieb er stets zahlreichen Organisationen aus dem Nationalen Widerstand verbunden und trat auch als Redner bei Veranstaltungen auf.

Rudel – here with all his awards, each in almost the highest award level. Hans-Ulrich Rudel (Geb. By April 26, it was barely possible to fly into the embattled capital.

Rudel recommended him for the Knight’s Cross, but the paperwork had not gone through when he was called to Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair headquarters to receive the Swords to his own Knight’s Cross.

Lieutenant Hans-Ulrich Rudel and the rest of his dive bomber wing had gathered in mid-September 1941 to strike another blow in Operation Barbarossa, Germany’s campaign to conquer the USSR. Rudel took Hentschel along with him, and by sheer force of personality arranged for the gunner to receive his medal directly from the Führer.Yet the Stukas were unable to halt the relentless Soviet offensives leading into the winter of 1943. In spite of their good points, the Russians would have never gotten to Germany without American help.

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