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Die Legende von Korra (Originaltitel: The Legend of Korra, alternativ: Avatar: Legend of Korra) ist eine US-amerikanische Fantasy-Zeichentrickserie, deren Premiere am 14.April 2012 stattgefunden hat.

He’s sleek. One possible meaning of this red dot is to contrast with the head of Avatar Aang, the hero of bending people. Amon and his aforementioned brother, trying to flee after Amon is exposed, share a brief reunion on a speedboat before Tarrlok aims a weapon at the boat’s gas tank and blows them both up. 3228x1200 (36) He’s polite and courteous, and even tells his subordinates to never underestimate Avatar Korra when they believe they have her captured. Under his hood, he wears a mask, resembling the Kabuki masks of Japanese theatre (because in reality, it’s all a performance), its mouth frozen in a tight-lipped Mona Lisa smile. Avatar Korra (Luftbändigerfähigkeiten blieben aber) Sein Bruder Tarrlok; Die letzten Luftbändiger (Tenzin, Jinora, Meelo, Ikki) (fast) Persönlichkeit. He peppers his speeches with poetic flourishes but keeps an underlying humility, seeming to say, “I’m just like you, my fellow non-benders, just with a little more public speaking experience.” The image he presents is cultivated and precise: the image of a man of the people.In addressing his enemies, Amon displays a certain level of respect, giving his enemies the apparent opportunity to defend themselves before he defeats them and performs his coup de grace that takes away a person’s bending. This line of thought and action is widely considered by scholars as “tyrannical” and “a jerk move.” If this ideology sounds complex, thorny, and maybe similar to how people in power tend to view revolution in our own world, then congratulations, you’ve been paying at least a little bit of attention. It’s a question that the original show never gave much attention to: In a society where a significant part of the population is born with the uncanny power to blow things up or cause earthquakes, how do the people who can’t do that live?Amon’s supporters, and Amon himself in his rhetoric, say that the benders are complicit in their privilege and enjoy looking down on human beings who didn’t have the luxury of being born an elemental wizard.

While Korra reacts, Amon acts, and not without planning first. They were openly fascist warmongers like Zhao and Firelord Ozai, one-note in their mustache-twirling schemes like Long Feng, or deeply sadistic and increasingly unstable like Azula, who is in many ways the exact opposite of Amon, with an emotionally grounded arc of villainy playing off her egregious ideology of might makes right.Before his followers militarize, Amon presents himself as a champion of the people, a Populist leader giving voice to voiceless. Such a backstory is especially significant when we consider the truth about Amon’s identity: That his real name is Noatak (a slanted portmanteau of ‘No Attack’ — his blood bending means no one can attack him), and he’s the son of a famous water bending criminal who trained Noatak and his brother Tarrlok to be remorseless bending super-weapons.As a waterbender, Noatak comes from the same bending lineage as Avatar Korra, connecting the two in a way that neither would be proud of.

A nuanced, complex ending for a nuanced, complex character at the end of a dense, challenging season of animated television.Ultimately, Amon represents a masterclass on creating compelling antagonists and advancing the sophistication of storytelling for The Legend Of Korra. Where Aang and his airbending descendants have blue arrows on their foreheads, signifying motion and flow, Amon has a red circle. The role of Amon as a symbol is so crucial to the show that during their full scale attack, the Equalists lower a massive Amon mask onto the face of a statue of Aang to signify their victory.Amon is so dedicated to maintaining his power as a symbol that he’s even willing to put a mask under his mask.In order to maintain his fabricated cover story of being brutally mauled by a firebender, Amon paints on a vivid facial scar under his mask, which he defiantly reveals in a climactic moment and plays as an act of vulnerability. Whether it’s WWE news or something from across the sea, let’s talk shop.The Legend Of Korra was definitely on par with Avatar: The Last Airbender - but this villain was a cut above.With The Legend Of Korra now on Netflix, fans old and new can dive into the sequel to Nickelodeon’s cultural juggernaut For the uninitiated, or for those who don’t quite remember the details of an eight-year-old show, Amon is the mysterious, masked leader of a movement called The Equalists, an agreeable-sounding name for a group that opposes the societal inequality between benders, people in the show’s universe who have superhuman control over the elements of fire, water, earth, or air, and nonbenders, aka regular people like you or me. Let’s look at the villains of Avatar: The Last Airbender (and for the purpose of this article the definition of villain doesn’t include Zuko and one of the best face turns in recent pop culture). 0.

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