minecraft explosion command

Is limited to Players or Entities. Ok so set Set up the command blocks in your minecraft world like the picture shows Then add a 4 repeater clock (2 repeaters on each side) and set the tick delay to 3. The command I'm using is /playsound random.explosion hostile @a Is there any way to fix this? Thanks in advance! I play in 1.11, but it doesn't matter for these commands except you have to change the … This is a big TNT bl...n 1.8. Astuce Minecraft : Comment faire une grosse explosion Aidez nous a financer le site: Joignez l'utile à l'agréable et profitez d'FR-Minecraft sans publicités en devenant VIP ! This arrow(explosiveArrow) will detonate once it hits the ground or an entity that is not tagged as specific tags that should not cause the explosion. Read further to understand the whole system.-this command will give all players one bow named Explosion Bow-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this command creates an objective UseBow that is tied to the bow usage of a player-this command creates an objective Timer that is not tied to anythingThese four commands relate to the first four commands of the LEVITATION BOW and PROXIMITY BOW.

An armor stand will summon if an explosive Arrow is existing. Summoning the armor stands is not enough to trigger the explosion. Only when the armor stands completely teleported to the arrow will it occur.-this command will teleport the summoned armor stand that has a nbt tag ex1 to the arrow tagged as explosiveArrowThe armor stand summoned is initially on the ground when it has gravity. /summon minecraft:wither_skull ~ ~1 ~ {direction:[-0.5,0.1,-1.0],power:[-0.5,0.1,-1.0]} Finally, just to prove myself, here is a command to summon a wither skull. The commands make it so that the arrow is the reason for the effect to occur and not the selected bow. The explosion power of the arrow depends on the number of summoned armor stands. The commands make it so that the arrow is the reason for the effect to occur and not the selected bow. Only when the armor stands completely teleported to the arrow will it occur. Customization: But wouldn't it be cool if you could make explosive snowballs in Minecraft that would explode on impact? Try doing a hidden explosion that is activated inside a bedrock box or maybe the primed tnt spawner technique . So in the left command block (attachted to the clock) put in /execute @e[type=Snowball] ~ ~ ~ summon PrimedTnt and then in the command block attatched to the repeater put -this command will teleport the summoned armor stand that has a nbt tag ex1 to the arrow tagged as explosiveArrowThe armor stand summoned is initially on the ground when it has gravity. The Java edition does have options (Using a repeating command block to spam a command causing creepers to lose their radius, giving endermen the extended end of a piston, etc) involving the NBT data and /data command, in Bedrock the only way to deal with it is to teleport all "trouble mobs" into the void. There is a way to destroy blocks with it if you are perseverant enough. Go to the LEVITATION BOW and PROXIMITY BOW threads to know more information.-this command will tag any player that selected a bow named Explosion Bow explosive-this command will tag an arrow shotted with the Explosion Bow and all existing arrow after selecting the Explosion Bow explosiveArrow if there is a player tagged as explosive and UseBow score of at least 1-this command will set the UseBow score of a player that is tagged as explosive and UseBow score of at least 1-this command will remove the tag explosive from a player tagged as explosiveTo create particles effects while the arrow(explosiveArrow) is still in mid-air, this command should be included:-this command will create a lava particle trail to the arrow tagged as epxlosiveArrowNow for the effects of the explosiveArrow.

Well, in this video I show you how you can do just that, with only 1 command in Minecraft! Click this link to view it:© 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. Credit me if you want.I develop another custom bow that will make arrows shot with it and any other existing arrows to become an explosiveArrow. Why won't it work?

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