platano banana unterschied

In Honduras, "Guineo" is used. platano, the first one is smaller and

In some spanish spoken countries there isn't any difference, because they use both term to reference the same fruit. Bananas fruit all year … But in those countries that have banana and platano, there is a difference. Yeah. In some Caribbean countries "Banana" is used.In some countries where "Plátano" is not used as a "regular banana," it refers to the large "Plantines" that have a dark, almost black skin and are used exclusively for cooking.And there are probably other names as well, however, my banana expertise is quite limited.Pleaser remember that correct spelling and capitalization are mandatory on this site, welcome to the forum:)¿Y cómo distingues entre las que se cocinan y las que se comen crudas, las chiquititas, las gordas y moradas, las medianas dulces, etc, etc? I'm not sure about foreign countries, but i'm sure it would be fine.Plantain is an English word that came from the Spanish I think it would require a big, impractical research project to figure out that trying to figure it out is impossible.Helio, this is one of the very frequent questions we get. According to the DRAE, banana is one type of plátano but according to my English dictionary a plaintain is a type of banana. Many cooking bananas are referred to as plantains or green bananas, although not all of them are true plantains. Cooking bananas are banana cultivars in the genus Musa whose fruits are generally used in cooking. También se puede hacer masa con ellos.SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website.what is the difference between a "platano" and a "banana" softer while the platano is all the banana.For that which we consider a "regular banana," in some countries of the Americas "Plátano" is used. Claro que todo depende de qué tan importante es el banano en la cultura de cada quién. Thanks.¿Cual cosa es oro y plata no es? Bananas are treated as a starchy fruit with a relatively neutral flavour and soft texture when cooked. 1. They may be eaten ripe or unripe and are generally starchy. However, the Spanish refer to a banana as plátano. :)SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. In English language, the two fruiits are not used interchangeably . No soy un experto en plátanos. i was trying to decide between the two for a spanish cooking project but i heard they were not the sameSome speakers differentiate between different species of bananas with these two terms, but for other people they mean the same. I invite you to please do a search for "platano banana", and you will get lots of answers to your question, which is a fairly common one.The diference between a banana and a According to the produce man in a grocery store near Washington, D.C., where there were many customers from various hispanic countries, there are many ways to refer to them in Spanish. You are right. Please do a search for "banana vs platano", and you'll see all the interesting answers that have been posted.There are many different words for Banana, and there are more kinds of banana than you realize. I think you first have to decide what country you are discussing bananas in. en Colombia le dicen platano al que se usa para freir o cocinar, y al que se come como fruta le dicen banano o banana – Emilio Gort May 7 '14 at 17:32. Does the word "plantain" have any relation? Cuando las cocino los llamos plátanos cocinados y cuando son pequeños los llamo platanitos.Je, je. time bigger, thicker and harder than a The plantain is a tropical fruit which has to be cooked or fried before eating. A ver si te encuentro un enlace, porque es muy curioso.Bueno, los Plátanos (de cocinar) comienzan verdes, luego se tornan amarillos, y finalmente terminan casi negros. Personally, I can't tell the difference, and I don't use "banana" myself.In any case, "plátano" is a Greek word, while "banana" is a term from the Niger-Congo language family (probably Wolof). The diference between a banana and a platano, the first one is smaller and softer while the platano is all the time bigger, thicker and harder than a banana. ¡Un Plátano!i've heard plátano used before. :-)No las distingo. I initially learned that the spanish equivalent for" banana" is" platano". Which ones please. Is the word banana also used with frequency in spanish speaking countries? English borrowed the term "banana" from Spanish.The diference between a banana and a platano, the first one is smaller and softer while the platano is all the time bigger, thicker and harder than a banana.Please note that at the top of the Answers section there is a search box. En cada estado de madurez se pueden cocinar - mientras más maduros, más blandos y dulces.Cuando están verdes, se pueden hervir, o se pueden freír y se comen con sal - "tostones". Wow, …

en Cuba es muy dificil escuchar banana, se usa platano acompañado del tipo, por ejemplo platano fruta, platano macho, platano manzano, etc. ¿Recuerdas cuántas palabras distintas para la nieve es que tienen los Inuit?Sí, pero he leído un artículo serio sobre el idioma, y parece ser que es un mito callejero.

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