pocahontas song lyrics deutsch

There are multiple spots in the listed German text where the website lists incorrect lyrics or even lyrics that aren't actually in the song at times.

*(add "verdammt" after "ist'n")*- But that's a damned shitty reason,

Young originally recorded a version of "Pocahontas" in the mid-1970s for his planned but unreleased album Young may have been inspired to write the song after reading Commentators over the years have noted the song's similarity to Carole King's "He's a Bad Boy. *Und mir ist nicht egal wo du gerade pennst*- and I do not care where you sleep. Pocahontas - The Virginia Company Lyrics.

*Mir ist nicht egal wie du mich nennst*- I do not care what you call me

*- denotes a correction to the website's German lyrics listed for the song

*Habe mir ist nicht egal (before "wir*)*- I haven't cared how well you know me The Lyrics for Gone (The Pocahontas Song) by Ziggy Alberts have been translated into 2 languages. Contributions: 81 translations, 1521 thanks received, 33 translation requests fulfilled for 28 members, left 30 comments However, by the end of the song the lyrics have jumped to modern times, with a fictional meeting in the Astrodome between the narrator, Pocahontas (actual name, Matoaka) and indigenous rights activist actor Marlon Brando. Translation of 'Pocahontas' by AnnenMayKantereit from German to English.

In sixteen hundred seven We sail the open sea For glory, God, and gold And The Virginia Company For the New World is like heaven And we'll

""Pocahontas" begins with an image that evokes "a cold breeze whistling by":The time period fast forwards, moving from the settlers massacring the Nelson and others have commented on the effect of the "bawdy pun" on sleeping with Matoaka to "find out how she felt.

Translation of 'Pocahontas' by AnnenMayKantereit from German to English (Version #4) There are multiple spots in the listed German text where the website lists incorrect lyrics or even lyrics that aren't actually in the song at times. I placed an asterisk next to those spots in the music and added what the correction should be since I do not have the required permissions to change the German text. Pocahontas lyrics: 'Colors Of The Wind', 'Just Around The Riverbend', 'Listen With Your Heart I' etc

Because so much of your stuff is lying around my place,*Remove "schon"*- And actually we have been together too long

"Live versions of "Pocahontas" were included on Young's 1993 album The lyrics of "Pocahontas" primarily describe the massacre of an indigenous tribe by European colonizers.

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