salmon englisch

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Sie können Ihre Fehler ganz einfach markieren. Klicken Sie auf die Pfeile, um die Übersetzungsrichtung zu ändern. Owing to their characteristic gene structure these Se precisan medidas especiales para lograr salvar las poblaciones de Those words stayed with me and this is why I was keen for a debate to take place on the matter.It is clear, as the Commissioner acknowledged, that there is no new evidence in the particular study published in.Señor Presidente, es la tercera vez que estalla en el Atlántico Norte esta enfermedad, la anemia infecciosa del Mr President, this is the third instance of this type of infectious anaemia in the North Atlantic.Hasta ahora el debate ha estado dominado por argumentos sobre si la contaminación encontrada en el Just publishing an article in a magazine entitled does not automatically verify the accuracy of its contents.Por otro lado, resulta evidente que es menos sano consumir To my mind there is something very odd going on, when the basis of a report can be taken as read without thorough investigation.Conviene impulsar organizaciones como la Scottish Quality And yet, I think all of us in this Chamber would be astonished at how that article suddenly appeared in newspapers all over the world.De conformidad con el orden del día, se procede a la declaración de la Comisión sobre los problemas del What will he be doing between now and November to answer the questions, so that we can be assured his report is full and fair?La respuesta inmediata de la Comisión Europea tranquilizó a los consumidores en el sentido de que comer He said that although dioxin levels have decreased dramatically over the past two decades, they remain a consumer concern.Es preciso abordar este asunto, no solo en relación con el Mr President, I was interested to hear Commissioner Byrne say that some of the findings exceed the limits.Hay que restringir la pesca a fin de garantizar la renovación sostenible y natural de las reservas de The rivers flowing into the Baltic have produced young that have migrated to feed on what the sea areas have to offer: shrimp and small fish.Los ríos y las corrientes que constituyen buenos entornos para el desove tienen que adaptarse para permitir un aumento de las reservas de It is only by action at the EU level that we can take action against false food scares and bring reality to bear.Me alegro de que la Comisión actuara rápidamente para poner las pruebas en su sitio y defender la seguridad del Nonetheless, I feel that it was important for us to be able to pass on some answers to our fellow citizens so that they know what they have to do.Los niveles más altos de dos pesticidas, toxafeno y dieldrin, encontrados por el estudio sobre el As regards dioxins, strict EU maximum levels were adopted in 2001 for dioxins in feed and food, including fish.When the Commission introduced customs duties on TV sets, consumers had to pay SEK 2.00 for every krona earned by the industry.Toda la industria comunitaria está amenazada por las importaciones baratas, o, en otras palabras, por el del I raised the issue with the President of Parliament, Pat Cox, and asked him to request the European Food Safety Authority to issue a scientific opinion on the problem.We will be looking at the results of this study and then coming to Parliament and the Council with our own proposals in order to see to it that there is proper management of these fisheries.(!) With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … Get help from other users in our forums.Vertiefen Sie sich in die englische und deutsche Grammatik von LEO - mit tausenden Beispielen!SUCHWORT - Translation in LEO’s English ⇔ German Your online dictionary for English-German translations. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content
It has borders with Canada, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea, and the Bering Strait.. Alaska is the biggest state in the United States. How to say salmon. Thanks! All rights reserved. Übersetzung Englisch-Französisch für salmon im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen!

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